Friday, May 29, 2009

G Free

Not too long ago, one of my family members was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Following the doctors orders, he sent the word out to everybody in the family to be checked. I haven't had any tests yet, but I've been watching the amount of gluten I take in to see how it affects my body.

I was sharing this with my sister who said, "Yeah, I might have Celiac too...I've been feeling very nostalgic."

There was a pause on my end for a second.

Then it dawned on me, "Do you mean you've been feeling lethargic?"

That is what she meant. I guess I'll check later for "word mixing up", and ask her to see a doctor about that one.

1 comment:

Britt said...

I wonder what sister this might have been (ahem, LIZ!)