Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm not SUPERstitious, I'm just a little bit stitious

Busy does not even begin to describe me right now. I have a test at one, a quiz at three, a final at five, six pages of a paper to finish by nine (when the computer lab closes, I don't have a printer), a homework assignment and another final tomorrow morning. I shouldn't be writing but I noticed that I left my blog with 13 posts....and that's BAD LUCK!

Friday, July 25, 2008

This is my life

So I was working at Switchboard (or Switch-bored, I should say) and the electricity went out. Immediately, I picked up my bullhorn and set the siren off because how else was I going to let everybody know that there were no lights? By the light of the moon, I saw three people dressed like camels sneaking into the elevator, so I ran downstairs to see what was going on. I also had to buy some cough drops from the bookstore. While I was pulling out my wallet, an eighty seven year old factory worker started making conversation with me. She basically wanted to know where I bought my sweater (borrowed it from my sister) and what was my favorite color. I told her red and she said it was her favorite too. Only I was's green!! I began to get nervous because of the amount she was touching my ears, so I excused myself. I remembered that it was time to distribute the wine & beer, only it seemed that everybody was already drunk. So I loaded it into my car, turned on the lights, sat at my desk, and made up this story.

Work Weekend

For some CRAZY reason (a need to pay bills and rent) I took two eight hour shifts this weekend. I know that's a normal work day for most people, but my hours are 4pm-12am. It's been an hour and fifteen minutes so far...and I've run out of entertainment. Is it true that only boring people are bored? If so, I'm a BORE. Really though, it wouldn't be so bad except I'm. just. having. a. really. hard. time. (To quote the emo kid on accoustic at the talent show last year) I woke up today at the time my class was supposed to end. I went my pajamas...bawling crying...because my paper was worth nothing since it was turned in late. I have next week of class and one big assignment to redeem myself but I hope it wouldn't be Too little, Too late. I'm so over this summer class thing. I'm already counting on a D- in Spanish. How sad is that? I will be overjoyed for that grade! The icing on the cake though is that my allergies are freeeakin out right now so I have not been able to exercise, or do anything fun outdoors. Not even drink on my porch! Boo hiss. Sorry for venting, I may post something else a little later. For now, I'm going to see what's good to eat around here ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Boyfriend (w/ pulled muscle): my leg needs a message :)

Me: i think you need a massage, dear. if your leg needed a message, you had better buy it a cell phone...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Computer Problems

...Sorry, my computer has been out of commission for the last couple of weeks and I've been too busy to look into the problem...I'll try to have it fixed soon and start writing...
Thanks for your patience!