Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas! This morning my family woke up to the sound of bells ringing. Well, actually, the first thing I heard was my sister saying "there is a crazy person downstairs ringing a bell, get Mom!" The kids ran down and saw that it was Santa coming through the door at the exact time my dad usually gets home from work, 5:30am. He ended up coming home later because of the icy roads.

Later in the day, due to the arrival of more nieces and nephews, Santa came again while my dad was taking a nap. The weirdest thing was that when everybody was taking pictures, my sister yelled at old St. Nick, "Look at the camera, Dad."

Is there some sort of a connection?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


As you may have noticed, I've starting using paragraphs. I was looking over old papers to piece together my senior portfolio and I saw many remarks along the lines of "separate your ideas!" So, I'm going to try to do that. Also, I realize that I overuse commas. I'm trying to be more aware of these problems so they can be minimized.

Thank you for your time.

I'm dreaming of a full ashtray

I have to quit smoking! I don't WANT to quit smoking, but I know it's time. I just can' t continue because, well, when would I ever stop?

Here are my thoughts on this new endeavor.

With my pack and my lighter I look so neat
when I get all ready to have a smoky treat

Cool people go outside to have some smokes
we laugh and puff and tell funny jokes

Smoking's my excuse to leave a lame place
And I skip exercise because of my smoker's pace

Having a cigarette is my "prayer time"...burning incense to the Lord
It's also a good pastime for those times that I'm bored

I've spend many dollars on packs from Convenient
or sometimes I could bum, if I found a smoker that was lenient

Turkish Golds, Parliments, or in Austria, a red
Marlboro, I'd never order because I don't know how it's said

I love just having a smoke with whoever's around
you may give away your lucky and a new friend is found

Will we be doing this when we're no longer young?
No because by then ashes will have ruined my lung

Snack Attack

My dad has a habit of making really interesting snacks and feeding them to us at really interesting hours. We'll be sitting in the living room and he'll walk in with a plate of assorted cheeses and pepperoni like it's completely normal to have finger food on a random Tuesday night. If we're all watching a movie, he'll leave for a good half an hour to make enough popcorn for everybody to have their own overflowing bowl.

Last night we were laying around talking about the possiblity of going outside on the roof. I rejected the idea on account of the fact that my dad would probably stick his head into the room to ask if anybody wanted homemade funnel cake, which has happened before. Then we'd be busted because the roof is off limits.

We decided to stay in the room and good thing we did because three minutes later my dad walked into the room with mugs full of strawberry milkshakes for us all.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Last Shall Be First

Today was the penance service at church. I hate being late, but this afternoon we were running out the door about five minutes before confessions started. When we passed the bank, it was one o' clock on the dot. When we arrived at the church parking lot, it was packed. Our parking spot was in the very top row. We ran into the church, a little windwhipped and breathless. I followed my dad along the back and up the side of the nave. Our priest was at the pulpit reading an act of contrition, so we just wanted to slip in the side. We genuflected at the first row, but the people standing there didn't budge. We quickly moved to the next row, but the people there wouldn't let us in either. Bewildered, I looked at all the people in the pews, but they wouldn't meet my eye. "Okay" I thought "we'll just stand along the back." It wasn't until I was against the wall that I noticed that people weren't just randomly standing at the end of the pews, they were in lines. They wouldn't let us in because they didn't want us to cut in line! I was outraged. I kept thinking how un-Christian they were. I couldn't even concentrate on a word Fr. Bill was saying. I stood leaning on the wall, with arms crossed, having a stare down with the crucifix. Who do these people think they are, Lord?...They probably only come to Church once a year...They better confess their rudeness! Eventually, I settled down into prayer. Father came to the front of the church to explain how the lines would work. It turned out that people had formed those lines on their own, and he had actually planned for everybody to stand along the walls. Suddenly, my spot, furthest from the front, against the back wall, was the front of the line! My eyes snapped to the people who were in the front row, shuffling along to join the lines of 50-60 people. When I was turned around, I noticed a family with three young boys coming through the door. I immediately let them take the place in line directly in front of me because they would be waiting hours otherwise. My wait was about ten minutes and as I left, I laughed and thanked God for all the lessons He's been teaching me this Advent.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Nanny Diaries

As of December 26th I will be putting my college degree to a nanny! Life sure can be surprising sometimes, but honestly I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm sure I'll be blogging about the funny, crazy, cute things my kids say...and also about my weekend adventures in the big apple ;)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Sorry, I've been writing TONS lately, but it's all been for stupid school so I can get my stupid diploma. Here's my schedule:
Right now, finish two papers.
4:30-6:00 Happy Hour
6-7 Nap
7-bedtime Pack, hang-out, study
Tomorrow morning LAST FINAL EVER, turn in papers
all day Pack up my whole life and cry a river
4-8 work
night Hang out
Thursday Airport