Friday, July 25, 2008

Work Weekend

For some CRAZY reason (a need to pay bills and rent) I took two eight hour shifts this weekend. I know that's a normal work day for most people, but my hours are 4pm-12am. It's been an hour and fifteen minutes so far...and I've run out of entertainment. Is it true that only boring people are bored? If so, I'm a BORE. Really though, it wouldn't be so bad except I'm. just. having. a. really. hard. time. (To quote the emo kid on accoustic at the talent show last year) I woke up today at the time my class was supposed to end. I went my pajamas...bawling crying...because my paper was worth nothing since it was turned in late. I have next week of class and one big assignment to redeem myself but I hope it wouldn't be Too little, Too late. I'm so over this summer class thing. I'm already counting on a D- in Spanish. How sad is that? I will be overjoyed for that grade! The icing on the cake though is that my allergies are freeeakin out right now so I have not been able to exercise, or do anything fun outdoors. Not even drink on my porch! Boo hiss. Sorry for venting, I may post something else a little later. For now, I'm going to see what's good to eat around here ;)

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