Friday, July 25, 2008

This is my life

So I was working at Switchboard (or Switch-bored, I should say) and the electricity went out. Immediately, I picked up my bullhorn and set the siren off because how else was I going to let everybody know that there were no lights? By the light of the moon, I saw three people dressed like camels sneaking into the elevator, so I ran downstairs to see what was going on. I also had to buy some cough drops from the bookstore. While I was pulling out my wallet, an eighty seven year old factory worker started making conversation with me. She basically wanted to know where I bought my sweater (borrowed it from my sister) and what was my favorite color. I told her red and she said it was her favorite too. Only I was's green!! I began to get nervous because of the amount she was touching my ears, so I excused myself. I remembered that it was time to distribute the wine & beer, only it seemed that everybody was already drunk. So I loaded it into my car, turned on the lights, sat at my desk, and made up this story.

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