Sunday, August 9, 2009

Train of Thought

Last night, on a long late night train ride (hence this post's title...get it?) I had a thought. It was one of those times where I was so tired, my buzz of drinks and city had worn off, and my thoughts swirled around anything and everything. My friend had just made a comment about a girl sitting a few rows in front of us. This petite Asian young woman was sporting trendy designer jeans, a empire waisted tank, and a cute crop jacket. My friend accessed her, then remarked, "You know you could pull off that look." After a quick glance at my own outfit, entirely made up of items from the Old Navy clearance rack, I had to agree that it wouldn't kill me to put forth a bit more effort. My friend and I chatted for awhile about What Not To Wear. We joked how if I was on that show, Stacy London would say, "Do you even PLAY soccer?" in reference to my habit of wearing soccer shorts and t-shirts to work everyday (...and sometimes other places...) I concluded that I would love to be on that show for the mere fact that they give you a new wardrobe! And I would definitely just hide the clothes I really liked to keep them from being thrown out. That's when I was suddenly struck with this question: When does one change from the high school/college/young person clothes to work/adult clothes? If the answer is after college, then I'm in that place right now. Other than the possiblity that one of my readers really does nominate me for that TLC show, how do I go about doing this?

That was last night. Tonight, I am laying on my bed, trying not to touch my knee to my white sheets. The reason is two-fold. One, I don't want to get in trouble because I stained them! And two, my knee really hurts. You see, yesterday, I slid across the carpet in a pair of jeans with a hole in the knee. The brush burn is really bad and bloody. When was the last time you saw someone with scrapped knees who wasn't ten years old and clumsy on a bike? Do adults usually worry about getting in trouble by other adults? Other than celebrities who buy jeans with holes in them, who really keeps jeans after they rip? On the same topic, is it normal that I spent the day watching a Hannah Montana marathon, then the new Icarly movie? (Which I was really excited about!) Or the fact that I have a tummy ache right now from too many Starbursts. Can I hold my own in seven year old banter because I'm good with kids, or because I am a kid?!

This is the thought of the day. I don't have the answer. I just wonder if I have a child-like personality, and this will be, like, forever. Or maybe I'll wake up one day and be the adult that gets really mad at someone with a bloody knee who got underneath the white sheets anyway.

1 comment:

david1082 said...

You'd just be looking like that other girl though. The clearance rack look is a style of its own too. And girls in sports clothing look hot, hahah.