Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A moment for a reminder

No matter what kind of relationship structure you are in, dating, being married, part of a group- family, team, class, or sisterhood, the Golden Rule still stands tall and proud as the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing we've ever learned about relationships, and we learned it in kindergarten. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." It's simple; it's basic; yet, it still isn't getting into some people's heads. The way most see it, there are two ways of treating a person, you either love them or you hate them...we hear this expression all the time. But have we forgotten one important emotion? What about the people that you nothing? They don't receive your love, but don't even deserve your hate. I, for one, am deeply hurt when somebody nothings me, much more than if they would just hate me. So, in following the golden rule, there is not one person that I nothing. Think about your day to day, is there anybody towards who you act indifferent? If there is, well, you should think about heading back to grade K. Put yourself in that person's shoes and you'll realize what a lose/lose situation it is to be nothinged. We're adults now, so in this stage it is important to take this rule one step further. What do people do for you? Have you returned the favor? If we assume that everybody is following the golden rule, then they are doing for you what they themselves would wish you could do for them! The girl that always invites you even if she knows you'll say no?...Somewhere deep inside of her is a longing to feel like she belongs and have the same considerations shown towards her. In case you're not already really confused, let me just point out one more thing. In any relationship, there are so many pitfalls; lack of communication is one of the biggies. For example, your girlfriend has a need but doesn't express it to you. How will things ever change? We need to break down the walls...help each other...love each other...need each other...pray for each other...be for somebody else what you would want for you.

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