Thursday, December 31, 2009


Another year has passed. Tomorrow it will be 2010 (I keep saying oh-ten). This year has been full of changes for me.
Last year at this time, I had just graduated from college and I was living in New Jersey. I had just started my job as a nanny to three wonderful children. In the next couple of months I grew to love the family and learned a lot about caring for small children (specifically two year olds ;)) On the weekends I ventured into the Big Apple for a taste of city life. This small town girl would sit in wonder and just watch the hustle and bustle go by. My favorite sandwich shop, which had a place in Penn Station, sold these fabulous pesto, mozzerella, and tomato wraps. Paired with a bag of Sun Chips, this was the picnic lunch that I would bring with me to Central Park.
Although I was still really missing my friends from college, there was a certain amount of freedom I found in spending my free time alone- with a book, or taking walks. Little did I know that at the beginning of March, somebody new would enter my life. His name is Matt, and he was my friend while I was in college. (He doesn't believe me, but I had a crush on him. Using woman's intuition, I always thought he would make the perfect husband to me...) I made a trip back to school for a small reunion and saw him again. Things were different this time around though. I noticed that I had more fun with him then I had ever realized before. On my flight back, he called me. The rest, they say, is history.
By the time summer rolled around, I was pumped to spend a couple weeks on the Jersey shore. I had already realized that I needed to move back home in order to pay for my student loans, so it was bittersweet as well.
I attended one of my best friend's wedding in Kentucky, which was such an incredible time. It was surreal to be back with my girls from college, but at the same time, as natural as riding a bike.
Another notable event took place near the end of summer. There was a moment that I looked at Matt and realized that absolutely, without a doubt, he was The One for me. And with that realization, I smoked my last cigarette because it suddenly became more important to be alive and healthy for Matt and our future children than anything else.
After a very sad goodbye to my New Jersey family, I came back home and started searching for a new job. After graduation I had dreams of writing for a living, but had changed my main interest to child care. Now I work at a day care. I love the job and I love living at home with my family. But most of all, I love being THE FUTURE MRS. SMEBY!!
What a year! What a great life :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sometimes I make up quotes and here is one of them...

"Love is when two people are absolutely obsessed with each other, but neither of them are freaked out by it."

*Put that in Reader's Digest if I am ever famous!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Train of Thought

Last night, on a long late night train ride (hence this post's title...get it?) I had a thought. It was one of those times where I was so tired, my buzz of drinks and city had worn off, and my thoughts swirled around anything and everything. My friend had just made a comment about a girl sitting a few rows in front of us. This petite Asian young woman was sporting trendy designer jeans, a empire waisted tank, and a cute crop jacket. My friend accessed her, then remarked, "You know you could pull off that look." After a quick glance at my own outfit, entirely made up of items from the Old Navy clearance rack, I had to agree that it wouldn't kill me to put forth a bit more effort. My friend and I chatted for awhile about What Not To Wear. We joked how if I was on that show, Stacy London would say, "Do you even PLAY soccer?" in reference to my habit of wearing soccer shorts and t-shirts to work everyday (...and sometimes other places...) I concluded that I would love to be on that show for the mere fact that they give you a new wardrobe! And I would definitely just hide the clothes I really liked to keep them from being thrown out. That's when I was suddenly struck with this question: When does one change from the high school/college/young person clothes to work/adult clothes? If the answer is after college, then I'm in that place right now. Other than the possiblity that one of my readers really does nominate me for that TLC show, how do I go about doing this?

That was last night. Tonight, I am laying on my bed, trying not to touch my knee to my white sheets. The reason is two-fold. One, I don't want to get in trouble because I stained them! And two, my knee really hurts. You see, yesterday, I slid across the carpet in a pair of jeans with a hole in the knee. The brush burn is really bad and bloody. When was the last time you saw someone with scrapped knees who wasn't ten years old and clumsy on a bike? Do adults usually worry about getting in trouble by other adults? Other than celebrities who buy jeans with holes in them, who really keeps jeans after they rip? On the same topic, is it normal that I spent the day watching a Hannah Montana marathon, then the new Icarly movie? (Which I was really excited about!) Or the fact that I have a tummy ache right now from too many Starbursts. Can I hold my own in seven year old banter because I'm good with kids, or because I am a kid?!

This is the thought of the day. I don't have the answer. I just wonder if I have a child-like personality, and this will be, like, forever. Or maybe I'll wake up one day and be the adult that gets really mad at someone with a bloody knee who got underneath the white sheets anyway.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here is a post so Erica does not delete this as a bookmark!

I PROMISE to post something within the next week.

Cross my heart. x.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Big Comeback

This is my first post in a long time. Case in point, I had my fingers posed over the keyboard for a good four and a half minutes before I remembered the password to log into my blogger account. Sorry this is not going to be anything profound, just a few musings from my day...

1) I noticed a tree, an actual tree, in the front yard today that I have never seen before. This might cause concern to some people but I took it as proof that everyday in the life of me is surprising!
2) One of the greatest joys is sitting on my porch watching people walk by, sweating to the oldies on their ipods, while I lick the remainder of my peanut butter cup ice cream off my lips. Some people need to get their priorities straight!
3) I put into practice today my theory that two year olds do not respond to logic, just choices. Example: "Do you want a juice box while we take a walk, or do you want to sit in your crib?" BA-BOOM, and suddenly we are strolling peacefully down the street.
4) Because of the event of number 3, and the fact that I signed and mailed three loan checks today, I feel very accomplished! And grown up!
5) I realized since now I am out of college and don't have to pay Karen at the laudromat the "low" price of $40 to have my laundry done in three hours, I actually wash clothes a lot more often. This, I would consider, is a good thing seeing as almost everyday when I undress I find remnants of food, baby boogers, dirt, and sometimes playdoh smushed into my clothing.
6) It is a very sad and tragic thing that Billy Mays died. However, his big chance is here, selling the sham-wow to God. Red wine stains? GONE.
(this is not a joke...I love infomercials...ask anybody. my favorite is the power juicer- "somebody told me I was glowing and asked if I was pregnant. I said, no! I've just been juicing!")
7) Today I watched Psych, which originally I thought was about Psychos. Anybody else on that page with me? But, nope, we were wrong. It is about a Psychic working as a detective. What will they think of next??
8) I had a dream today during my 2 hour nap (don't you wish you had my job?...) that I was still caring for the twins when they were teenagers. One of them demanded that I make sauteed mushrooms in a lettuce wrap, but after I was half way into the cooking, they decided not to eat it. Anxiety about meeting the demands of the babies much?
9) Probably the reason I had that dream was because yesterday the seven year old sauntered down to breakfast and quipped, "Hey Granny, whip me up some pancakes!" Hahahaha... I really can't get enough of that kid!
10) Just be glad I made it to ten ;)

So there you have it, my blogging begins again...Get excited!

Friday, May 29, 2009

G Free

Not too long ago, one of my family members was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Following the doctors orders, he sent the word out to everybody in the family to be checked. I haven't had any tests yet, but I've been watching the amount of gluten I take in to see how it affects my body.

I was sharing this with my sister who said, "Yeah, I might have Celiac too...I've been feeling very nostalgic."

There was a pause on my end for a second.

Then it dawned on me, "Do you mean you've been feeling lethargic?"

That is what she meant. I guess I'll check later for "word mixing up", and ask her to see a doctor about that one.